Friday, July 22, 2016

A Revolution Story (from Lynze Dawes)

Happy Friday! The following was shared this week with Revolution Church and we wanted to share it with you. Thanks to our team who makes outreach possible in our community! Your giving and serving matters!


Happy Monday! I thought I'd share my story I shared with my friends last night on Facebook on how big of an impact you guys have been on my heart without even knowing. Thank you guys for the friendly environment and great worship. I can't wait to see you guys next Sunday.

As some of my friends may know I've been searching continuously for a church not only where the sermon would touch my soul but I felt a strong connection with. This story is long but it proves you should follow your heart and listen to the Holy Spirit from time to time. (Ok, all the time!)

I've lived in White House going on three years now. I've traveled 31W to Portland many times. I've also drove past a church sign this past year that has caught my eye. Their symbols reached out to me. Live. ➕ Love. ❤ Serve. ✋I didn't give it a chance to register that God was laying it on my heart thick with this church sign.

Fast forward to the Americana Celebration in White House earlier this month. I saw in a social media post that Revolution Church and Vanderbilt Childrens Clinic would be providing free jump for the kids. That's sweet of these people to donate their time in the sweltering Tennessee July heat for my child to play.

When I walked up to the table to sign a form for my daughter there were those three symbols again! Let me refresh your memory: ➕❤✋ I'm really proud of myself for not letting my jaw drop because there have been numerous times over the year I've gone past this sign and my heart has told me to stop in but I dismissed it over and over again.

The lady working the tent is the children's director for Rev Kids at Revolution Church. Even though we only talked for 2 minutes it was because of her and the fact I felt God smacked me with a 2 x 4 for a wake up call that HEY maybe I should try this church. These symbols speak more than just words to me, they are symbols I live by as a Christian. She doesn't realize the shirt and her sweet attitude (because let's be honest, Tennessee July heat can have anyone cranky working outdoors) is what drove me more to trying this church out.

Over the next week I Googled the church for a website hoping they posted sermons weekly. Score!! They do! So while at work I caught up on sermons that Pastor Kris had preached. (Ok, maybe I did a binge watch in three days of all the sermons) This pastor, I have no words to describe how real he is. He preaches without fear of offending the people of his church. Whether that's bringing up politics, race, religion, it doesn't matter when God is number one. He preaches what is on his heart! Do you know how amazing and rare that is to find?

Today, I finally went to Revolution Church and the sermon blew me away. It was everything I expected and needed to hear. I didn't want him to stop preaching. I could listen to Pastor Kris all day. When I walked out of church I felt God saying, "finally! you listened to me." He's right, I finally listened when I should have listened from the start.

If you ever feel a strong urge of peace and love come into your heart or soul when seeing or thinking something, know that is the Holy Spirit inside directing you to what may not seem like something big at the time but is something greater on the other end.

I encourage any of my friends to stop by Revolution Church off 31W in White House one Sunday. It doesn't matter if you're a member at another church, if you're looking for a church, or have never been to church. This church and pastor are worth checking out. I feel like I'm at home where I can truly Live. ➕ Love. ❤ Serve. ✋ Or if you want to go to to listen to some of his sermons that would be awesome too!

P.S. - there's free coffee! 😉

Lynze Dawes

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